Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management (STORM)

Institut für Raumordnung und Entwicklungsplanung (IREUS)

Starting from previous research experiences and tangible outcomes, STORM proposes a set of novel predictive models and improved non-invasive and non-destructive methods of survey and diagnosis, for effective prediction of environmental changes and for revealing threats and conditions that could damage cultural heritage sites. Moreover, STORM will determine how different vulnerable materials, structures and buildings are affected by different extreme weather events together with risks associated to climatic conditions or natural hazards, offering improved, effective adaptation and mitigation strategies, systems and technologies.

An integrated system featuring novel sensors (intra fluorescent and wireless acoustic sensors), legacy systems, state of the art platforms (including LiDAR and UAVs), as well as crowdsourcing techniques will be implemented, offering applications and services over an open cloud infrastructure. An important result of STORM will be a cooperation platform for collaboratively collecting and enhancing knowledge, processes and methodologies on sustainable and effective safeguarding and management of European Cultural Heritage. The system will be capable of performing risk assessment on natural hazards taking into account environmental and anthropogenic risks, and of using Complex Events processing

Results will be tested in relevant case studies in five different countries: Italy, Greece, UK, Portugal and Turkey. The sites and consortium have been carefully selected so as to adequately represent the rich European Cultural Heritage, while associate partners that can assist with liaisons and links to other stakeholders and European sites are also included. The project will be carried out by a multidisciplinary team providing all competences needed to assure the implementation of a functional and effective solution to support all the actors involved in the management and preservation of Cultural Heritage sites.


Academic/Research Partners:

  • Instituto de Novas Tecnologias (INOV), Portugal
  • Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH), Greece
  • Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus – TEIP), Greece
  • Università degli Studi della Tuscia (TUSCIA), Italy
  • University of Stuttgart (USTUTT), Germany
  • University of Salford (USAL), UK 


  • ResilTech (RESIL), Italy
  • KPeople (KP), UK
  • Sparta Digital (SPA), UK
  • Nova Conservação (NCR), Portugal

Cultural Sites:

  • Soprintendenza Speciale per il Colosseo, il Museo Nazionale Romano e l’Area archeologica di Roma (SSCOL), Italy
  • Mellor Archaeological Trust (MAT), UK
  • Troia Resort (TRO), Portugal
  • Ephorate of Antiquities of Rethymno (EFARETH), Greece
  • Bogazici University (BU), Turkey

Governmental Institutions:

  • Direçaõ-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC), Portugal
  • Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Austria

Rescue Organizations:

  • Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco (CNVV), Italy
  •  Municipio de Grãndola (SMPC), Portugal

Associated Partners:

  • ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property), Italy
  • Pompei (Soprintendenza di Pompei Ercolano e Stabia), Italy


Lead Partner:

  • Engineering Ingegneria Informatica (ENG), Italy


The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

  Pilot sites of the STORM project ©

Further information: here

Contact: Mohammad Ravankah, M. Sc.


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